
In 1981 Patrice Trigano, inspired by the legendary American myth and the famous area of New York, launched the first Soho shop. The concept was revolutionary: sell cards, unusual or funny gifts and 
gadgets all under one roof. The company was bought by Grand Sud, one of Trigano's suppliers, in 1997. They set about developing the company and imagined a new concept which was very successful as Soho regained its previous position as market leader in their sector. The brand's specific niche is as multi-specialists in gifts and currently has a network of 40 subsidiaries, not including its many franchises. Soho is also a supplier producing goods for other networks.


Claire Matha's contribution to Soho :

When the brand was bought by Christophe Barnoin (who also created Parashop) in 2008, Claire was asked to optimize the existing network of outlets in close collaboration with the landlords. This operation included the sale of non-strategic property, the closing down of underperforming shops, renegotiation of rentals which were considered too expensive, the objective being to prepare the network for a new concept.